Joint Molecular Diagnostic Lab

Started in Collaboration with Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences, Government of Karnataka

Agriculture sector in India have an approximate 14% share in the total GDP. Within this livestock products are having a major share. Even though our country is the largest producer of milk still we cannot exploit the full production potential of these cattle. Most of the indigenous breeds and cross-breeds are carrier for some protozoan diseases and also to antibiotic resistant strain of pathogen. This is mainly due to empirical treatment of the disease condition. Most of the time veterinarians are facing difficulty in differential diagnosis of the disease condition. Also these facts make it high time to start a venture for helping the farming community and veterinarians.

Services Provided:
This lab is intended for screening and diagnosing diseases affecting livestock using most modern molecular techniques and assist the veterinarians to give specific treatment to the animal on time. Awareness programme for the veterinary and farmers to propagate the need for specific diagnosis of the disease conditions. Diagnosis of the metabolic diseases, deficiency diseases and reproductive diseases using analysis of serum biochemistry. Isolating pathogens from clinical samples and establishing a continuous culture system for studying host pathogen interaction in molecular level. Providing antibiotic sensitivity test for the treatment of mastitis, metritis and other related diseases.


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